Friday, 10 June 2016

Breaking the divine order (part1)

And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel. [2] Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second, Abiah: they were judges in Beer-sheba. [3] And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment. [4] Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah, [5] And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. [6] But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord. (1sam8:1-6)

Throughout history, God has always  exhibited that he is the God of order and a master in divine patterns in the execution of his plans for man on the earth. The Spirit realm is structured in a manner that clearly displayed decorum and order. We want to study in a brief way what happens when men step out of such structures and how God responds to them.

Let's look at Samuel. There few issues about Samuel we must see before we fully via into what we want to study.

If you study the book of 1st and 2nd Samuel, you will discover both the natural and spiritual background of the man Samuel. Permit me to say that why I used the term "the man" Samuel is that the present church in our time has developed a way of adoring men and idolize them to the point that their true identities are no longer known. I want to stress again that no matter how big a man is in God's hand, he is still called a "man" of God. He is still a man. Meaning he hasn't translated yet, and as long as he is here, you can Dance and cheer him all you want, he is human. Wise men who understood this have saved their soul from untimely death and ministerial dismissal. In our time now, we see ministers from the stage of colorful lights but no bearing of where they are coming from. This is a correction some ministers need to make. If this is done it also means that we can trace his route and learn from his life as a person. Even the Lord Jesus can be traced to a humble home of Joseph the carpenter.

Samuel was a child lent to the Lord even before his birth (1sam1vs28). Before he could even be allowed to make decisions for his future, his destiny was already mortgaged. His life was to be used for temple service. He was already marked out for priesthood ministry.

Secondly, Samuel grew in a dispensation. The Eli dispensation!  A young samuel wearing a linen ephod, young and naive grew amongst hophni and Phinehas. The Bible called them "sons of belial". Reprobate men without conscience. Funny enough they also grew in the temple. I suspect that they were maybe about Samuel's age or slightly bigger. Samuel must have endured such great persecution from them to compromise to their ways but he refused..

Samuel also grew under an established priest, Eli. But an old one. So old that he could not correct his sons after the ways of the Lord. There are few contrasts about Eli's ministry which we might have overlooked due to the mere fact that we see him always in the light for the wrong reasons. Let's look at these below....

1. As a priest, he made proclamations which God answered. In chapter 1 of 1st Samuel, verse 17. After Hanna made her request open to him he blessed her and Hanna conceived. In chapter 2vs20, when Hanna had dedicated samuel to temple service, Eli prophesied more fruitfulness in child bearing to replace the position of Samuel and the Lord granted it.

2. He had a poor spiritual discernment. He mistook Hanna's utterances made out of a broken heart for drunkenness (1sam1:13). He also couldn't discern that it was God that was calling Samuel and it took him a 3rd repetition by God for him to know (1sam3:8).

3. He lost his domestic authority to correct his children after the ways of the Lord. He knew the implications of priestly transgressions from what he said in verse 25 of chapter 2.

4. Eli used to sit by the temple post when he was introduced to us in the Bible as stated in chapter 1vs9,  but in the time of battle, at the time when his priestly ministry was required for intercession for Israel, he now sat by the wayside (4vs13). He has moved from the temple post to the wayside.

This was an order God was determined to break. This was a dispensation that God urgently needed to bring to an end. The seed of Eli cannot and must not be allowed to judge or rule further (2vs25b). Isreal was headed for a dismal end if this lineage was allowed to continue.

And God stepped in! (3vs4)....

"that the Lord called Samuel and he answered here am I".....

Eli had judged Isreal for forty years but, even before his death, his ministry was already hijacked and transfered to a young samuel. While the lamp almost left the temple, the voice of God distilled upon a young Samuel. A Samuel who despite growing up in this ebbing and failing contraption, chose to remain on the side of God.

You can be a young minister like samuel in a failing dispensation, will you chose dainty meat, greed and filthy lucre of the times or rather chose to stand by the lamp stand of the temple and strong by the side of God?  May the failing dispensation surrounding you not sweep you away with God's judgement.

Man of God, you may have discovered that the Eli story may not be far from your situation. Are you now spiritually old that you have lost track of the scheme of things in the spirit? Has the Holyspirit chosen not to speak to you again cos of your disobedience and you still have failed to repent and go before him? Have you resorted to counterfeits in place of the genuine manifestation of the Holy Ghost in your congregation? Are you like a God now amongst men that they cannot access his divine majesty. You might also have discovered that there's a young Samuel waiting in line to replace your failed system(3vs19-21). Dear Bishop, will you chose to redirect a young but naive Samuel to the voice of his master and save a generation from plundering into darkness and forgetfulness or rather chose to subdue him by all means and blind him with your cloak of compromise? It's a pity cos Jesus won't have been born if the Lineage of samuel followed the way of Eli. That divine interjection was divine and timely.

In the part 2, of this series. We will look further into the manner in which the divine God initiates a divine exchange.

God bless you all richly.

Trials: The broken spirit

...... "I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted" . (ps77, 1-2)

......."Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known". (vs19)

Trials and temptations are common place in our everyday life. But its gets harder when we get caught up in its resultant effect of depression and should I say (as I read psalms 77:1 to 20)... A case of oppressive depression. In the verses of this chapter we see David reeling from depressive situation. He was so depressed to some limits probably experienced by some of us today....

He was depressed to a point of.....

1. To the point of no comfort (vs2b). Have you been there when no matter the Preaching in church or exhortation you receive you Still feel empty, dry,  and without comfort.

2. To the point that he couldn't speak (vs4b). This is more common. Has some situations made you so dumbfounded that you lack words to even express your situations and more often  you just watch as a spectator cos you are dazzled and puzzled on the goings on around.

3. To the point he started comparing the past and the present events (vs5&6). Not surprising when we engage the comparison spirit. Trying to do all the maths of why things that happened before are no longer happening now and we compare and contrast.

4. To the point where we question if God has not only abandoned us but his personality changed (vs6-9). This is more harsh and very oppressive. Which in turn leads us to asking the 6 crucial questions of a broken spirit which are as follows....

Has he casted us off forever?
Is he no longer favourable?
Has his mercy gone forever?
Has his promises failed forever?
Has he forgotten to be gracious?
Has he out of anger closed his tender mercies to me?

Maybe someone reading this has been in this same situation that David was going through and is also bothered with the same crucial questions. So what is the solution? How can one rise above this challenges and be free and fly with vigour and strength through the unfavourable circumstances of life.

How to break free from an oppressive depressive state......

1. "This is my infirmity" (vs10). Recognise and admit your weaknesses. When you complain and compare events of your life, it's a sign of a weakened spirit. Same as questioning his faithfulness to you. Identify all these mannerisms as a sign that you are weak and have acted out of an oppressed mind. Accepting this is the first way going forward.

2. "And I said" (vs10a). You must use your words. In situations such as these never keep quiet. You can close your destiny and give expression to the enemy from your depressed position if you close your mouth. But the manner of speaking has been highlighted by David.

He said....

I will remember.  Vs10. Someone needs to go before God that speaking of his remembrance boldly.

I will meditate. Vs12. Right meditation is very crucial. Wrong meditation brings up hurts and regrets. Right meditation floods your mind with God works and wonders.

I will talk. Vs12b. Engage the power of positive confession and aggressive testimonies.

I see you rise above the overwhelming waters of your situation. I see your clouds pour down waters. I see your broken arrows healed and released abroad. I see the lightening of God's thunder lightening your world. May The Almighty God guide you in his ways in the midst of your great waters and may He lead you like a flock from now henceforth in Jesus name. Amen.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Demas (part2)

This present world

"[9] Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me: [10] For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia." 2tim4:9-10

As we continue on our study on the life of Demas and it's impact on the ministry of Apostle Paul, we noticed that the part 1 of this series explored "the departed ones". We wondered at how such an impact filled companion of Paul could end up the way he did. We also looked at a cyclic chain reaction that resulted in Demas ending up a departed soul. Remember, He forsook something, due to a corrupted love or affinity with the world, and it ultimately led to the inevitability of a departed soul.

Today, we want to bother ourselves with what is it with the present world that it's power is so strong to pull away such a servant of God at such a time of his limelight.

Apostle Paul identified the main reason of Demas forsaken him and abandoning a glorious call for a retirement trip of Thessalonica. He said....

"Demas loved this present world"....

This present world is a term used to represent a geographical sphere hidden in a system of operations that comprises of earthly elemental materials that offer an escape from the spiritual path. The world in the biblical reference talks about a system of life built by the devil over man to negate or in every way extinguish the way of the kingdom. Yes, the elements is matter and can be seen with the physical eyes and sensually felt, it is only but an illusion generated by man's senses and ideologies on the way man should view comfort and in turn his mannerisms of life. It's engenders rebellion to the ways of God cos it's basis is on the soulish realm and it's ability to satisfy the mortal mind and it's fleshly cravings.

"The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." Jn7:7

When Jesus made this statement, he wasn't talking about a people. He actually meant to say the "system" of the world. There is a system of this world in either accepting you & forcing you into its mould or working against you. If we also look at Mathew 4 vs 8,

"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;"

Both Jesus and the devil were just on the mountain top. There was no way he could have seen all the kingdoms of the world from just a mountain in Jerusalem... Thus meaning that what the devil showed Jesus was not a people but a system. A system that can control men. A system that has so much influence that it can  command power with its glory. The world is a system ran by the devil in the minds of mortal men using its elemental resources as its means of control and influence.

Now if we can establish the above fact, we can now look at the navigation of Demas when his deviation was on this present world. We understood that his departing was to a city called "Thessalonica".

Thessalonica on record from ancient geography was the second most populous city in Greek. At a time Greece ruled the world before the reign of the Roman empire. The city is known as a major economic, commercial, transportation and industrial hub of the entire eastern Europe. Most especially it was well known for its attractive tourism attractions. So in essence, Demas chose a certain way of life that synchronised with his mind as a better choice in the scheme of things. It means that the world has an attraction that promotes the soulish realm and life making it appear as though it has found a safe harbour.

"And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful." mk4:19

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [37] Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" mk8:36,37

" Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [16] For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1jn2:15,16

From the scriptural verses listed above we can see that:

*That the world system has cares, is deceitful and operates with other lusts.
*That the world system offers some sort of gain and tender for exchange
*That it craves for love and attention, and it only comprises of two main instrument of operation.... Lust and pride!

Demas became a slave to what he saw and what his flesh wanted. He yielded his will to a new master by obeying his fleshly demands. He saw a life of a co-labourer as demeaning compared to the cool shades and tourism life of Thessalonica. He must have weighed all options before him and has come to the concluding result that Thessalonica offered a better life and prospect. He saw suffering as a demeaning life that could be avoided only if he could get to Thessalonica. He probably had cares which he thought the riches of Thessalonica could afford. He must have weighed his gains with a little business deal in the big city more worthy than mere winning of souls. In fact , there were many souls to win in Thessalonica too only if he could stop doing it the kingdom way but his own way. He must have daydreamed about the night lights of the big Apple city and felt his head in the clouds. What could stop him at this point. He let down his guard and so allowed the lusts of the flesh and eyes and it's pride to corrupt his tender heart. And hence, he departed. Degraded by.... this present world.

Man of God, can we sincerely weight your heart now in the balances of God. What is your sole aim of going into ministry? For souls, the kingdom of God or your belly. Have you turned ministry into an avenue of sharing money? I can understand that times are hard and meeting up with ministerial demands is overwhelming, and you feel the people are not supporting you as they should financially and you are on the verge of abandoning the work and going into businesses so you can also make it like other of your colleagues?  Did you revolt to a decision of the church to repost you far away from your assumed Thessalonica and you secretly still murmur or even abandoned the church? Do you envy the riches of others and secretly wish you were them? When last did you sincerely rejoice with the promotion of others without being jealous or envious? I can go on and on but you can see that maybe like Demas you have departed, even though you are still preaching. You may even own a cathedral in Thessalonica but you know you built it with stolen money,  a money not accounted for. You may even have resorted to Wed divorcees and lesbians/Gay secretly in your church to receive funds to be servicing your Thessalonica church and we are clapping for you as being successful yet you have abandoned Paul. Even though Demas had become the most powerful and richest man in Thessalonica later in life, he would only die and be remembered by the applause of men, waiting to be received by the devil and his angels.

Bishop, where did you abandon Paul?  Has the Holyspirit repeatedly cried out like Paul that you have forsaken him and departed? What is that love breaking the master's love in your heart? Jesus made it categorically clear in Matthew 6 vs 23 & 24, when he said....

"But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! [24] No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

A man that loves this present world cannot also love God. You are not wiser than Jesus when he insisted that NO MAN can serve two masters at a time. You must hold one and despise the other. Which are you holding? Thessalonica or the Kingdom.

The choice is yours!

Demas (part1)

The departed ones

"[9] Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me: [10] For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia." 2tim4:9-10

In this article, we pay close and detailed attention to a Bible character that made an impact on Apostle Paul's ministry in many ways but eventually made a remarkable headline for the wrong reason. His name was Demas.

Lets delve into some incidents into Paul's life and ministry, we will notice that he was always in the line of unfavorable events majorly due to the fact that his ministry was to the gentiles. He didn't have the very best of reception especially with respect to his peculiar manner of conversion and past lifestyle. Paul has been hidden inside a basket to escape death, he also had at a point encountered a snake attack but wasn't injured, was ruthlessly dealt with by a certain character named "Alexander the coppersmith".  Record had it that he had, if not possible, the worst persecution as an individual in the early church.

But there was nothing that could compare to the hurt he faced, or caused him much pain as compared to the betrayal of one of his compatriots,  a colleague, a fellow pilgrim, a Christian brother.... Demas!

Demas is like any of us. A born again Christian. Partnered a great Apostle like Paul. Probably was more tongue talking than many of us and on rugged fire of evangelism. Who knows, might even have casted out more demons than many of us,  and a genuine candidate of heaven. His biblical record speaks for him....

"Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you." col4:14

"[23] There salute thee Epaphras, my fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus; [24] Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers." phil1:23-24

In the whole of colossians 4, out of Paul's 10 strong men mentioned, Demas was one of them. And also in philemon we say Paul calling a fellow labourer. He laboured for lost souls, for the weak ones, for the unreached people, for the course of the kingdom and for heaven. I can imagine how angels stood in awe over the exploits of this man. And can even hear the approval of heaven resounding to the glory of God on the account of the many souls converted to the kingdom through his ministry. Of a truth, an undisputed crown of righteousness awaited this pure soul, so selfless in service and acutely dedicated.

But along came a spider. Along the journey something happened. Something so subtle but yet very powerful that it jettisoned this venture that was set on a path of glory. Whatever must have happened to him to derail such a glorious vision. Apostle Paul clearly defined what happened....

Demas has forsaken me....

Demas didn't abandon Paul to open another ministry. Or did he leave to join himself with another pastor, Demas had forsaken Paul only for one reason...

Having loved this present world....

This present world. He loved this present world. A once lover of the kingdom of God, suddenly is a lover of the world. A lover of souls is now in love with the present world, a genuine lover of God is now frolicking with a love for the world. What a contrast!!! What could have initiated this shift? What is the cause for this deviation?. A slight degree of deviation and ones journey on the path is truncated.

[25] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. [26] For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matt16.

The Bible made a comparison to two important things. The world and a man's soul. If you gain one, you will automatically lose the other. We would be looking in depth into the mannerism and characteristics of the world, and it's contention for the soul of man. But for the study of today, we limit ourselves to Demas. He loved the present world and he departed. You cannot love this world and not depart the faith. You can be a pastor, or a general overseer or even be an Arch-Apostle with rare fire yet, cos you love this present world, you have departed.

I am talking to the departed ones reading this message. That you are presently in church and doing ministry doesn't mean that you are spiritually present before God in that assignment. You can mount the pulpit but yet miss the roaster of the angelic class attendant monitor. You can be casting out demons and remain a departed soul. You can be reading this article with a collar or bishopric cap yet you know deep down within you that you have departed. A lover of this present world is a departed soul. No wonder he can't hear the Shepherd. No wonder he manifests the likelihood of a goat mentality in his ministry or calling. He may be pastoring  a large congregation and yet in the heavenly register, he is a departed soul, branded a hireling  and doomed for destruction.

Demas forsook.... Loved..... and departed!  This is the spiritual chain process. It's a pattern that works even today. You depart from God due to a love of this world. And you loved the world cos you forsook something. Man of God retrace your steps and repent. You are not too big to cry out before him and allow your wondering departed soul to be restored to its rightful place of rest.

For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not. Isa30:15

It's an utter waste of Kingdom Zeal, commitment, energy and a deception of assumed past records that one will allow his soul to remain in a departed state. Demas surely has passed on. If in that state, then to external damnation ...but why should you???

Are you a departed soul? Humble yourself and Repent today. Jesus still waits for you.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Staying Afloat

[36] And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. [37] And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. (Mark4:36-37)

Only seafarers can carefully with details explain the concept of sea storms to us in a way to lay down an adequate and concise illustration of what happened in the above verses. And more so it states that it was not just a storm, but a "great" storm. The striking thing about the story was that waves didn't just rock or toss the ship around, the intent of the waves was clearly defined... The waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. Meaning that storms are not just lurking around to give one a tickle or just a shake up, storms are meant to sink any ship. But is it not interesting that despite the fact that the waves filled the ship...... It still did not SINK!

God's plan for us is an unsinkable plan. He has built us up to stay afloat no matter the level of the storms we face. Make no mistake about it, storms must come.... But the master ensures that our ship stays afloat.

"I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me." ps69,2

Sinking occurs when there's no underlying resistance to the weight applied. This is why the psalmist clearly states that when there's no standing, Sinking occurs. In simple explanation, when the load is greater than the support, it collapses.

In my small experience as a structural engineer, a structure sinks or collapses based on some few factors which we will summarily study below....

Every structure has its own weight. Whether one is heavyweight, featherweight or lightweight, it doesn't matter. Our individual weights adds to the load applied on the bases under us. If you don't keep shape as a Christian it may slow you down in the race of life. Junk food can damage your health and put one out of shape. Paul said... "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. (1cor9,27) Spiritual exercise as a believer helps to deal with the self weights on us. We must learn to fast, feed on the right words, be diligent to observe all relevant disciplines of the faith.

In structures, imposed loads are the additional loads put on the structure. Eg if in a building, we refer to the furniture and the occupants of the house as imposed loads. Spiritually we call these extra baggage. Abraham took lot with him on his quest and he later turned out to be an extra load. The service life of any structure depends on the adherence to the specified number of users required. If this is abused, failure of the the structure is inevitable. It may be "spiritual" lots. It may range from a wrong relationship/associations, bad habits, presumptuous sins, wrong ambition/ career/vision. Etc. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us (heb12,1)

This is the type of load that the pressure that comes from the wind imposes on structures. It was the same type of load that came against the ship that Jesus was in. Both self and imposed loads are most likely to be determined by our state of living but wind loads are external. Regardless of how we live it must surely come. It's an environmental hazard. Naturally speaking, one may have little or no control over it. This is where the enemy capitalises on. He brings the wind. And the winds can affect the waters. One can face the winds of adversity, pressures from different quarters. Problems not envisaged. How do you handle this? Exactly the way Jesus handled it..... "and he arose and REBUKED the wind and said unto the sea, PEACE, BE STILL. And the wind ceased, and the was a great calm. vs39.
You don't pamper the wind, or toggle alongside it to find out what happens in the end, one must arise and rebuke it. Staying afloat will be determined majorly by how vocally aggressive we are to satanic winds. For peace and calmness to return in certain troubled parts of our life,  we must take this stand or else the end might be a disaster. When the devil shows up, we must put him where he belongs. Quit complaining about what you are going through or who wronged you or failed to help you and arise as Jesus did.

Staying afloat is a choice we all must make. Yes, God puts an adequate underlying base under us to support us, but when we don't deal with these loads we may buckle. How are the weights on you threatening God's support? He has promised a safe arrival but we must ensure we don't take his presence as a leverage for complacency.
..... "He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places." ps18,33
The calf feet is made in a way that doesn't allow it to fall over under weight when it climbs the hills. David knew this and he said that God has given him that kind of feet. No matter wot the enemy throws at us, we will not fall over. We must stay afloat in Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Which Holyghost baptism did you receive?

Which Holyghost baptism did you receive?

We live in a time where nobody wants to follow the manual of the spirit. Where we seek for quick fixes rather than him who is the way. The Holyghost baptism experience is no longer genuine in our time, and for believers to be convinced that something is still happening another pattern is introduced that negates the original pattern as was laid down from d beginning. The type of baptism we see in most churches nowadays is a classroom teaching of alphabets, vowels and consonants of a strange language. Where the believer is taught to speak and not to receive something tangible from heaven. No wonder the church is weak, timid, tired, and busted. The average believer can't win a single soul, carry the burden of the church on his knees in prayer, operate in never-say-die faith, talkless of casting out a single demon. We speak abrakadabra yet flee at the sight of coakroaches. We copy the manifestation but lacks the impartation.

The early disciples got an infilling of the holy spirit, and He gave them utterance. An utterance means vocal expression or manner of speaking. The Holy spirit "gave" them utterance (Acts2:4). There was a filling before the speaking. And the speaking was directed and  orchestrated by the Holy ghost. But what do we have nowadays, "classroom lecturers" that believe they can engineer the methodology of the invisible one and a pure fire laden heavenly language. Some even collect offering after such charade. Even unbelievers are conscripted and taught to speak without a single iota of consideration that these are dark lost souls in need to salvation. The house of prayers has turned into a den of thieves. Charlatans marauding d temples and luring away gullible ones all in the name of power and miracles.

........."Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy congregations; They set up their ensigns for signs".....(ps74,4)

This is a clear indication that most of the roarings we hear in our churches today are not that of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Where is the shout of the king amongst us? Our case has become the case of the psalmist lamenting with deep burden saying....

We see not our signs; there is no more any prophet: neither is there among us any that knoweth how long. (Ps74,9)

But the truth is that the Holy spirit remains the only custodian and administrator of power in the body of Christ. If the church will place the Speaking before the infilling,  they would have only relegated the heavenly pattern and the Holy spirit to the background, and automatically become prey to demonic interferences and manifestations in the body of Christ. Speaking in tongues is a powerful tool for navigating the spirit realm. The devil doesn't understand its mystery and is overly weakened when  it's operation is accurately and divinely applied.

The church must seek him earnestly to be genuinely filled and empowered. He still waits for a companion, a weary and longing soul,  a pilgrim's heart so tasty for waters... Waters so divine that it springs from the rock of ages.

..... "O my dove,  that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice, for sweet is thy voice,  and thy countenance is comely"... Sos2:14

Finally,  let's ask ourselves.... are we a chatter box that makes earthly noises but lacks the keys that strike the chords of heavenly melody? This language is not learnt in any school or authored by man cos he neither understands it or can even start to fathom it's origin. It is a language of mysteries and voices only understood by angels, that goes straight to the heart of the throne.

Which Holy ghost baptism did you receive?